Tool Library/Database Files

Get up and running faster using tailored parameters for any cutting tool we sell – tested on our CNCs

Figuring out how to cut new materials with new bits on a new CNC can be challenging. With a big effort from our engineering team we created a fully custom testing procedure tailored toward:

  • hobby CNC cutting tools
  • using hobby CNC materials
  • on hobby CNC machines
  • and whether you’d like to cut conservatively or aggressively

This saves you lots of guessing time, even compared with speeds that other tool manufacturers might give you, since they tend to skew their numbers for industrial CNCs requiring that you guess how much to reduce the numbers by to suit your own machine.

“Tool library” or “tool database” files can be imported directly into popular CNC CAM software packages like Vectric, Fusion360, and Carveco. This will automatically pre-populate your projects with recommended feed rates, spindle speed, cutting depth, stepover, Makita router speed, and more for each of our bits – it even tells the software what the shape of the bit is! This plugs your software straight into our feeds and speeds table and will get you up and running faster with way less hassle on common CNC materials.

⚠️ Warning: with material variability settings can’t be guaranteed to work so ensure you still use your own judgment. Also be careful using our library file alongside others since there might be an overlap in tool numbers and cause dangerous or unexpected results.

Download the Tool Library file and watch Jay show you how to get it loaded into Vectric

Can be used with all versions of Vectric software from version 8.0 and up. Works with Aspire, VCarve, Cut2D, Cut3D and PhotoVCarve

Download the Tool Library file and watch Jay show you how to get it loaded into Fusion

Can be used with all versions of Fusion 360

Download the Tool Library file and watch Jay show you how to get it loaded into Carveco

Can be used with all versions of Maker, Maker Plus, and Carveco

For more in-depth reading about Feeds & Speeds – how we reached these recommendations and what you can do to tune new tools or materials – see our pages on Feeds and Speeds and Cutting Theory in our resources.