Hi everyone! Thank you for posting your film-themed projects made on the LongMill/AltMill with us.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Georges Côté, Kenneth Key, Derick Bond, Adam M Lehman, Mike Wentink, and Ray Alires are the film-themed projects contest winners. A prize is on its way!
This week, embrace the Summertime theme! Share your LongMill creations that capture the season’s essence, from beach-themed artwork to outdoor furniture. Showcase your summer-inspired items for a chance to win cool prizes.
Happy Friday! Thanks for sharing your first projects made on the LongMill with us.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Barry Reesor, Barry Johns, Paul Aboueid, Donna Koster, Sam Klein, and Joel Lauterbach are the first projects contest winners. Watch out for a prize!
This week’s theme is “film-themed projects.” Share your best film-themed creations made with your LongMill, and we’ll choose our favorites to win prizes!
Hey guys, Johann here. Ever since we announced the Sienci spindle for the Altmill, there has been a tremendous amount of interest from the community in bringing a Sienci-supported spindle option to the LongMill platform. While it has always been our intention to do so, we were busy finishing up the AltMill and other projects, which prevented us from giving this project the due diligence that it deserves.
If you want to read about our previous thoughts, testing, and opinions about spindles for the LongMill, check out this blog post.
The LongMill Spindle and Dust Shoe Kit is now available in our store. First orders are expected to ship August/September 2024
Below is our analysis and additional info about ordering the kit.
TLDR Version
It’s about half as loud as a router
Easy to connect
Offers precise control over your spindle
New features and functionality when paired with the SuperLongBoard.
Offers gains in performance over 20,000 rpm
Orders are open now and will ship August/September 2024
Key benefits
In a previous survey of the LongMill community, most people placed “lower noise” as their second highest priority feature (only behind auto tool changing).
In our testing, a 1.5kW spindle is consistently 10dBA quieter than the Makita router at every speed, which makes it a drop-in upgrade that is easily half as loud (half the noise every 10dBA). While a water-cooled spindle would be even quieter, we believed that a small amount of extra noise was a reasonable tradeoff to the extra complexity of a water cooling system.
For some context, this air-cooled spindle produces less noise than the quietest of dust collectors/shop vacs in most use cases up to 23,000RPM.
Hear the difference in volume and the quality of sound for yourself
Plug and Play/Easy to Install
The Sienci spindle comes pre-wired, pre-programmed, and connects to your controller with a single RJ11 Cable (a telephone cable). As with all of our other accessories for the LongMill, come with excellent resources and support. We are currently finalizing the installation guide to upload to our resources site soon.
One wire to rule them all
Advanced Spindle Control
Another benefit of a spindle system is that you can control the start/stop and speed of the spindle directly from your g-code sender or gSender. With this digital interface, you:
Can precisely control the speed of your spindle down to the single RPM
Know when your spindle is at speed
Know if your spindle stalls
Communication between the VFD and gSender to improve the chances for job recovery in the event of a failure
No guesswork speed control
Spindle error feedback
Caveats, Provisos, Warnings, and Disclaimers
Marginal Cutting Performance Gains
This is an area we spent a lot of time and effort digging into since there are varying performance claims floating around the Internet and we’d like to give you our conclusions with some hard numbers. This of course pertains to our product in general, but likely to any spindle kit on the market. We believe we have conducted the most thorough testing and investigation in the hobby space for spindles.
A single run of our cutting test, out of more than a hundred
Speed – Torque characteristics of the Makita vs Sienci spindle
Speed – Power characteristics of the Makita vs Sienci spindle
The key takeaway from our testing is that the spindle is not dramatically more powerful than the router. The spindle has more power and torque at higher speeds, while the opposite is true for speeds below 20000 RPM (despite a higher risk of overheating for the Makita).
For 0.25” (¼ inch) tooling, there is little practical difference in cutting performance when upgrading to a spindle since you are limited to 400-500W cutting with the rigidity of the bit. With surfacing, you can use the full power of the spindle, but it also means that you will need to run both the machine and the spindle fast.
Surfacing Hard Maple End Grain at 1.2mm depth and 5000 mm/min (800W-1000W)
SuperLongBoard as a requirement
To take full advantage of the spindle, including the advanced control features detailed above and the all-important partial holding current feature available only with grblHAL, we highly recommend that you upgrade to the SuperLongBoard.
While it is possible to adapt this spindle kit for use on the LongBoard (and we will release more information on how that can be accomplished), here are 6 key disadvantages that you should be aware of:
We will consider this a DIY configuration and support and resources will be limited
Start-stop control will be unavailable without a reflash of the firmware and additional components
The VFD will have to be re-programmed
Holding current must be applied in full which can overheat the drivers and motors
No stall detection or any other advanced features that are currently in development
High-speed machine movements (>4000mm/min) that suit the spindle are unavailable due to legacy driver stability issues.
Dust shoe hose size
The spindle is designed with dust collectors, not shop vacs in mind and as such fits 4” dust hoses by default. To use shop vacs with the dust shoe, you will need to purchase a commonly available 2.5” to 4” adapter (Example found here on Amazon). We are trying to see if we can offer an adapter at some point, but there are no commitments on this item just yet.
Additionally, the original dust shoe used on the LongMill is not compatible with the 80mm spindle. The kit comes with a larger dust shoe included.
The dust shoe performs well with a shop vac attachment
Spindle Mount
This spindle is 80mm in diameter and the mount will be included in the LongMill Spindle and Dust Shoe Kit.
The main difference between the AltMill Spindle and Dust Shoe Kit and the LongMill Spindle and Dust Shoe Kit is the addition of the 80mm mount. You can also purchase the mount separately from our store.
Additional Information and Insights
Cutting Volume and Accessories Compatibility
We’ve checked the spindle + dust shoe against every single LongMill configuration ever released (including the MK2 extension kits), and there is no loss to cutting volume to any configuration (the MK2 front feet can technically can collide with the dust shoe, but the overlap is only 2mm (1/16”) and only occurs when you are cutting below the wasteboard).
The story is a bit different with the Vortex which is a lot more height constrained. The additional length of the spindle collet eats into the cutting (and probing) height requirements of the Vortex, and for every machine configuration we recommend raising the feet of the machine up by 1.5” (2 sheets of 0.75” MDF) to restore the original cutting volume.
Insufficient clearance for the Vortex without raising the machine
Weight of Spindle and Mechanical Effects
The new spindle is 2.8kg (6lbs) heavier than the Makita RT0701C router’s 1.8kg (4lbs) which may seem a lot, but according to our calculations and testing, this has a negligible effect on the X and Y axis, requiring only an extra 1-2% of available torque from the steppers motors even accelerating to 5500mm/min. The remaining torque should also be sufficient in making the hypothetical 1.5kW cuts which typically require less than 100N in cutting force.
Force generated by the stepper motors at varying speeds
Force requirements for a 1.5kW cut
Jogging the machine at full speed
With regards to the Z-axis, the additional weight can consume up to 27% of total available torque of the motor. Having said that, since boring operations typically involve pushing the bit down into the material, the additional weight is not an issue in such a scenario.
Making a few holes in walnut
Lastly, it’s also worth mentioning that although the steppers can hold and push the spindle with an adequate amount of force, aggressive cutting can still result in significant deflection of the bit and cause your cuts to come out untrue, so after any aggressive cuts, you should always follow up with a skim/spring or finishing pass to make sure that the surface is accurate and smooth.
While the Makita RT0701 is an excellent option and recommended for most LongMill users, the Spindle Kit offers a high-quality, simple, and well-supported option for the community. To learn more and to order, make sure to check out the store page here.
Docs The lead time for this item is 3 days. The LongMill Spindle and Dust Shoe Kit is designed to unleash the capabilities of the LongMill as a plug-and-play replacement for the standard Makita RT0701 router. Each kit comes with: 80mm Dust Shoe 1.5KW 110V Air-Cooled Spindle 110V, 1.5KW, 3-Phase VFD…
Hey everyone, welcome back for our July 2024 production updates.
X-axis assemblyY-axis assembly
As we alluded to in the last update, we were hoping to start shipping AltMills mid-June. However, we did run into a few issues:
There were some issues in the wiring for the spindles, which were done manually in-house to get some put together. We should have new ones arriving soon
There were some parts on hold for coating due to some scheduling issues in the plant.
However, we are excited to announce we have started shipping AltMills! Horray!
We’ve brought on several new people to help on the production and operations side of the AltMill so that we can ramp up shipping and iron out any kinks as they come up during our production.
Also… new gSender update is expected to come in the second week of July, which will contain settings and defaults for AltMill.
Our first batch of 200 is now sold out, and we are working on stocking up on our second batch. This means that new orders will be part of the second batch. The shipping schedule will also be largely determined by the timely arrival of those parts.
AltMill/LongMill Spindle Kit
I’m not sure where I should add some extra info about the AltMill Spindle Kit, with regards to LongMill compatibility but I’ll throw that in here for now.
We have gotten a lot of requests for the AltMill Spindle Kit to be available as a separate purchase, and we have planned to have it available since the beginning. It is now available in our store.
This also brought up a lot of interest in official spindle support for the LongMill. Some of the factors why we are working on supporting a spindle option include:
Now that we have established a spindle testing and QC procedure for the AltMill spindles, we can use the same techniques for supporting LongMill as well
We have created a relationship with an established spindle manufacturer who can build to our specifications
The production of the AltMill provides enough volume for us to order more spindles, which brings the overall cost down.
The addition of the SLB greatly improves and simplifies the installation and setup between the controller and the VFD. The SLB and the VFD used in this package allow for RS485 communication which allows for control of the spindle speed directly through gcode and the gSender interface, and can allow for features such as “wait for spindle”, which allows the spindle to get up to speed before starting the cut.
This interface also allows for additional safety features such as being able to stop due to spindle issues and shut things down in the case of an emergency (with the SLB)
With the improved motor holding capabilities of the SLB, the Z axis is better able to support the weight of the axis.
I should include that the spindle can be used with the original LongBoard, however there are some limitations
Speed control through code or gSender may not be supported out of the box. It is possible to control it using the PWM, but a converter from 5V PWM to 0-10V analogue may be needed. The spindle can be controlled manually and turned on and off directly from the VFD, and so it can still be used this way.
The added weight of the spindle may be enough to cause the Z axis to come down when no power is going to the motors. To mitigate this, users can use the command “$1=255”, which causes the drivers to hold their position. However, this constantly powers the motors and use a lot of power. There is no way to control how much power goes to the motor and each motor draws full current when this setting is turned on. The SLB allows for specific current values when the machine is stationary, so power draw can be controlled.
With that in mind, to take advantage of the new features, it is strongly recommended to use the spindle with the SLB.
We have ordered 200 spindle kits to finish the first batch of AltMills, plus an additional 200 kits that will be shared between AltMill sales and separate spindle kit sales. These are expected to arrive in mid-August.
At this stage, the spindle used for the AltMill has been tested on the LongMill and work is being done to have completed support documentation for the LongMill. Users can order the AltMill spindle kit for their LongMills. At this moment, we don’t officially support it, but we will officially support it once our testing is complete.
This also brings up the consideration of potential support for non-Sienci machines. If you have a machine that you want us to consider working with for the spindle kit, let us know.
Additionally, we’ve checked the fit for the 80mm dust shoe to be compatible between the AltMill and LongMill. We are also working on supporting 2.5in hoses (the 80mm dust shoe uses 4in at the moment).
LongMill MK2.5
LongMill MK2.5 machine are shipping now. We are working to get lead times down as we work our way through our list of orders, but at the time of writing, most are shipping within 3-4 weeks. Please refer to the order page information for most up-to-date estimates.
More shipments continue to roll in for LongMill production, and we aren’t expecting much news at this moment for production.
Vortex orders continue to ship out. We’re excited to announce that we are working on the official version of the independent 4th axis, which combines and external driver with the SLB to allow for all axis to move simultaneously. For those who don’t know, the Vortex is currently connected to the Y-axis drivers so that you can switch between either the Y axis or the rotary axis. The SLB has an external driver output which allows another driver to be used to control another motor, in this case, the Vortex.
4th axis support is already officially supported and documented on the Resources. Users can integrate their own drivers for full 4th-axis support. The new development we are doing will be a plug-and-play option for the AltMill and SLB-integrated LongMills.
Given that we are purchasing a lot of closed-loop steppers, we have decided that the cheapest and easiest way to provide the 4th-axis support was to integrate them. While this might be little bit wasteful for existing users, since it leaves one unused motor in the conversion, in the long run as we move towards the SLB adoption, it will be the simplest and best option for this application.
A new batch of SLBs has arrived and folks who have ordered them after our first batch of 500 units should be getting them now.
A small change that’s coming to the SLB will be in the design of the e-stops. Our initial version had an illuminated switch. However, we found that it would make more sense to have lights on the case itself since it offered more button choices and we wanted to have something more durable/easier to replace. Both buttons work the same and are interchangeable so there likely won’t be any particular notice on when this change happens. We have another 500 of the original version in production now and we’re getting things together to make another 1000 sets.
I guess one of the things that the Sprouter project has become is an exercise in understanding spindles, routers, and machining science in general.
We have received another set of prototype motors and Johann has been testing that plus the Makita router and 1.5KW spindle. Here’s a breakdown:
At the lowest level, the Makita has the highest torque, but drops proportionally to the speed (green)
The spindle keeps a fairly flat torque curve, but needs to spin above 20,000RPM to see power advantages over the Makita (blue)
The BLDC/Sprouter tested in various configurations show the potential to have a higher power output between the spindle and Makita router.
It also looks like the sensorless BLDC speed response was greatly improved in the new iteration. However, because the motor was built and tested to run at 160V (to be voltage compatible for both 110V and 220V), testing at 220V gives very good results, testing at 110V does not have an acceptable response time.
The manufacturer is currently working on a new version specifically tested and manufactured for 110V use only, which in theory should have similar performance as our current version, with the compatibility for 110V.
I should include some disclaimers here:
While this shows the maximum power output, it may not reflect real-life optimal use. For example, running the Makita at it’s highest power level can destroy itself, whereas a spindle/sprouter is designed to run at the higher level for longer.
Power output was calculated through indirectly with speed and torque simulation under real-life cutting loads, as our dyno cannot handle this level of power at this moment, it would be
Here are some current conclusions:
The BLDC, after all the work, shows a lot of promise. These are results that we feel are “extraordinary”, which is that because they are so good, we have to make sure they are actually true. If the results are actually accurate, then in theory, it is possible to design a spindle using BLDC that could outperform a 1.5KW spindle.
There is also a massive potential for this technology to be used in more applications outside just our machines. Perhaps it opens up a new roadmap for the company? We feel that after all of this work and development focused in this space, we may be one of, if not the only company doing this R&D, and perhaps the only one who is in the position to put out a new revolutionary (haha, bad pun), spindle design and platform.
This also feels like uncharted territory, so there’s a lot of business end planning we need to do to decide how we want to keep committing to this project.
In other news, the testing of the Makita clone was not very good, as the speed control was poor. After some back and forth with the manufacturer, we are expecting to have a new sample with much-improved speed control soon. This version won’t have the 5V PWM input yet, but we should know if the performance is acceptable before moving onto this next step.
Panel Computer
We have now received the new batch of fanless panel computers and they are pretty great.
There are a few things we’re trying to decide on. One of them is which operating system to use. The two main contenders are Windows 11 and Linux. These are some of the things we are trying to weigh:
Linux is free. Windows on the other hand, is pretty configurable, but does cost money. We aren’t exactly sure what that cost would be, as some sources offer it for $10-65USD, whereas the Microsoft store sells them directly for around $139USD. For us to be able to offer Windows as an option, we would need to navigate getting the licenses legally.
Pretty much everyone either knows how to use Windows or has used it at some point. Linux on the other hand has a pretty small following. This may make some of the support for Linux more difficult, since there are a lot of info and resources available for Windows.
Based on initial testing, the performance of gSender on the same hardware running Linux is slightly less fast than on Windows. We are still trying to iron this out, but we suspect that due to the differences in the drivers and optimization, going with Linux may mean there needs to be some additional optimization on gSender to make it compatible.
Here are my current thoughts.
If we can get Windows licenses at a small cost, it would be a better option because we know that it works and people are familiar with it. We would of course have to pass this cost off to the customer, but I think people would be willing to pay a little extra for being able to use the platform they are familiar with.
We can create images for both Windows and Linux, and they can be available for anyone to download and use. They should in theory work for both the panel computers we will sell and other computers as well, but we’ll only know once we do the testing. This means that if people want to switch between operating systems, or use their own computers, they can do that.
Currently, we are:
Looking for a way to get legitimate Windows licenses
Testing with Windows and Linux
Testing and designing ways to attach the panel computer to the machine
If you want to provide any extra feedback for the Panel Computer, please feel free to fill out the survey.
Hi everyone! Thank you for posting your acrylic projects made on the LongMill with us.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Jacob Columbus, Robert Terry, Brandon Ellis, Kenny Swett, Bill Pare, and Louis Van Pelt are the acrylic projects contest winners. A prize is on its way!
P.S. We will be closed on Monday, July 1st for Canada Day and back in the office on Tuesday, July 2nd.
For this week’s contest, share your very first project or any initial work you’ve done on the LongMill. Submit your entry for a chance to win free prizes!
Happy Friday! Thanks for sharing your animal projects made on the LongMill.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Taylor Marie, Bernie Strybos, Rick Suleman, Chris Pare, Robert Mohr, and Tony Gallagher are the animal projects contest winners. Watch out for a prize!
This week’s theme is “acrylic projects”! Share your LongMill creations featuring acrylic as the main material for a chance to win free prizes in our contest!
Hi everyone! Thank you for sharing your LongMill projects and the lessons you learned from making them.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Shawn P Palmer, Tim Goodyke, Spamming Eddie, Andre Arseneault, Don Rideout, and Jim Shuler, are the something learned projects contest winners. A prize is on its way!
Happy Friday! Thank you to everyone who shared their incredible accessory projects made with the LongMill.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Alex Chopek, Dave Parkerson, Dean Goulet, Don Rideout, Ed Lagace, and Matt Osterhaus are the accessory projects contest winners. Watch out for a prize!
“From building my Giant Connect 4 project on my LongMill, I learned the right feeds and speeds settings for the bits that were used.”“From building my step stool on my LongMill, I learned how to properly use my clamps.”“From crafting my noodle board on my LongMill, I learned that it takes a lot of patience and learning when working with a CNC machine to create something beautiful.”“From making my charcuterie board on my LongMill, I learned that choosing the right bit to use is very important as it impacts the final results of the product.”
This week’s theme is “something learned projects”! Share a project you made with your LongMill and tell us what you learned from making it. Post your project with a caption about your lesson, and we’ll send awesome prizes to our favorites.
Hi everyone! Thank you for posting your LongMill-made kitchen projects with us.
Last Week’s Winners
We are happy to announce that Russell Dillon, Tom Pulles, Bruce Forbes, Bill Pare, BuiltSmart Woodworking, and Raul Nemes are the kitchen projects contest winners. A prize is on its way!
This week’s theme is “Accessory Projects.” Show us your LongMill creations like jewelry, phone cases, stands, keychains, home decor, and more. We’ll reward the winners with fantastic prizes!
Hey guys, a lot of things moving forward at Sienci Labs.
So traditionally I’ve been writing production updates for pretty much every product, but I’ve realized for some things there’s not much news with some things, especially if they’ve been shipping out smoothly for a while, so I’m going to stick to writing about new stuff. If you’re looking for an update on something and you don’t see it, check out the previous blog posts for more information. https://sienci.com/category/production-updates/
The office guinea pig
LongMill MK2/MK2.5
As we brought up in the last update, we are transitioning the LongMill to include a few new updates to the machine. Things happened a lot faster than we expected, resulting in the rest of our original LongMill (LongBoard) controllers being sold out and allocated to the previous batch. We are now into Batch 9 and are taking orders for LongMill MK2.5.
The LongMill MK2.5 Kits are expected to ship 6-8 weeks from the time of order. Once we start shipping the backlog, we expect to be able to get this lead time down.
Chris has written a new post “Introducing the LongMill MK2.5”, which covers everything you need to know about the differences, changes, and pricing for the updates.
We are waiting on more SLBs to arrive in the next few weeks, which will allow us to start shipping LongMill MK2.5 and the rest of the SLB backorders. This means that we have a growing waitlist of orders, which we are currently prepping so that we can get out the door as soon as all of our parts arrive. We are tentatively expecting them to arrive around the end of this week or start of next week.
We’re also hiring some extra staff to help with the packing for AltMill and LongMill to help with the extra production workload.
We continue to wait for the second batch of SuperLongBoards to arrive. We are expecting them to arrive in the first week of June, which will allow us to clear the remaining backlog of orders and start shipping the LongMill. We will receive a batch of 1500 in total (but spread over a few weeks), which should allow us to stay stocked for some time.
Additionally, SLB-EXT for the first 50 AltMills testing has been successful. We are updating the value of one of the capacitors and soldering the first 50 boards by hand to fix some issues with the switching circuit. I look forward to the larger rollout of the SLB-EXT, as perhaps it may offer a solid offering for not just the AltMill but for other CNC machines as well.
A lot of progress has been made with the AltMill project, and we are getting ready for shipping. As we discussed in the last update, we are expecting a few straggler parts for us to wait on before we can ship. It appears that our last item to arrive is the wiring harnesses for the closed-loop stepper motors. We expect these to arrive in the first week of June.
Based on the team’s estimates, we expect to start shipping on the second week of June, but wanted me to let everyone know to set their expectations not too high in case we run into issues.
Additional work and supply chain continue to happen to prepare parts to arrive in July/August for the full rollout of the AltMill.
Assembly for the AltMill is in full swing, as we have mostly finished building the jigs for assembly.
Rail mounting jigWriting down the SOPs for Z axis assembly
Some of the test packaging has arrived and we are double-checking the dimensions of everything and doing the final touches to the graphics for all of the packaging.
Packaging graphic designPackaging layout for the AltMillTest fit of the packaging
Also excited to share the first look at the AltMill Spindle Kits. We will have them available for sale additionally in a few weeks, as a lot of folks have asked us to allow the purchase of them outside of the AltMill kit. We likely won’t ship them until August, so there will be a bit of a waiting period for these if you’re ordering them without an AltMill.
In addition to manufacturing for the AltMill, we’re also working on building out the assembly portion of the AltMill, and we’ve already started putting together tons of resources to help users get their machines ready to go as soon as they arrive.
Sienci Router (Sienci Sprouter)
I think I mentioned this in the last update, but Johann went to China to meet with the motor manufacturers to iron out some of the things we were continuing to work on for this project.
Sample router bodies
Here’s a couple of takeaways:
Based on our initial assumption, we believe that we are at the edge of how accurate sensorless control can be for controlling BLDCs. That being said, Johann was able to check on the progress of testing one of the motors using sensorless control. The result seems to be usable, although there is some more improvement that can be made, as the stability on 110V versus 220V is not acceptable yet.
We were able to talk with a manufacturer that makes Makita clones, who may be able to make the modifications to a clone to offer external speed control, better quality bearings, and ER11 collets, which would offer a slightly improved alternative to the current Makitas
Using a larger motor will improve the speed stability, but would cost more and be larger than the 65mm form factor we are aiming for.
There were a lot of things that we learned from Johann’s trip to China, especially about the manufacturing capacities and business structure and manufacturing processes of different companies.
If you guys watched the Garrett Fromme livestream, I talked a bit about the router vs spindle, and the name thing. So a lot of people like the name “Sprouter” so I think we might go with that for now…
From Johann’s trip we were also able to connect with another manufacturer who makes the Makita clones and we are also assessing if we should also have the clones as another option. We’d focus on:
Having ER11 collets
An input for PWM signal to control the router with the controller
Better, higher quality bearings
Pricepoint similar to the existing Makita router
So this sort of brings up another question for the development, which is whether it’s worth having an “in-between” option between an improved brushed AC Makita router and a 1.5KW spindle.
Comparison chart
Here’s our general conclusions:
Since we already have the 1.5KW spindle in the works for the AltMill, offering it as an option for the LongMill tackles most of the users who want to make a big upgrade to their existing LongMill. Since the programming and setup is mostly done and put together as a kit, the setup should be easy enough for most people.
We found a company that can make the Makita clones with the extra features we’re looking for. Most of the development for this can be done hands off on our end so we can let this play out and test it once it’s ready.
The BLDC option is still going through prototype iterations and development, and will likely take a lot more time than we expected. We’re pretty close to getting the performance we want out of it, so we’ll continue to work on it and see if we can get the pricepoint down further as well. Working on the first two options provides something for people in the short term that can help us understand more about the development for the Sprouter.
Panel Computer
If you watched the podcast that I was on with Garrett the other week, you might have seen me talk about the Panel Computer.
Screencap of the podcast
I think some people are going to recognize some similarities to the concept here between the Masso and this panel computer thing.
Charles (our business development manager) has a lot of Linux experience, and is taking a stab at testing the device with a different OS.
It turns out that the chip (i5 4th gen) that is on the test computer now is only compatible up to Windows 10. I don’t think this is specifically a problem, because it does still work, but I am looking at different chipsets that support future updates. Another contender is the N5095 or N100 chip, which is slightly faster and newer. It does cost a little bit more but is potentially a better option overall.
We did some testing and research on doing the mass-preloading for the softwares, but need to do some more setup and testing to make sure we know how difficult and how long it takes to do.
I’m looking at different monitor mount/arm designs to see if there’s any that stand out and improve the usability of the computer.
The test computers we have have fans in them. Chris told me that he talked with some people working with a lot of wood that the main reasons their computers fail is because of the fans. So I am working on getting a fanless version for some testing as well.
At some point, Chris took one of the two computers I had for testing, so I suspect the dev team might be using it for some other stuff as well. I did hear that there will be a UI update in the future that makes improvements to the software that may improve the touchscreen experience as well.
I haven’t had the chance to install the computer directly to the machine yet, but one of our students from last term did set up an arm and portable touch-screen monitor to test the functionality of the interface and test out the “human factors” side of things.
Arm mounted to LongMillScreen testing
It turns out with the LongMill MK2 and the AltMill, since there are threaded holes that are meant for the NEMA 23 motors on the front of the machine, this serves as a really good place to mount an arm.
Here’s some thoughts about the price point. Based on our BOM costs currently, I feel like the whole package is going to end up coming in at around $400USD. I think this is not cheap enough where I feel like it should be the default option for everyone, since a lot of people probably have a spare laptop or computer kicking around that they can use.
The only way we can get this pricepoint down further is probably if we can use lower-powered hardware, like something using ARM/RISC, but at this point, gSender optimization is not quite there for the smoothest experience. There is also updates with the new architectures that are improving its performance, especially with software that wasn’t made specifically for that architecture.
Another thing to look at is how much volume of computers we should get that would bring down the price. Right now I have quotes for 200 units, but at around 1000-1500 units, we’d save about 15% off the price.
I did create a short survey to see what sort of order interest there is for the panel computers. If you want to share your feedback, please check out the survey here: https://forms.gle/m2FAHcSBq6EJZ2sT7. This will help us get a better idea on how many computers we should start making.