September 9 – September 16, 2022 “A Project That Is Decorative” Contest

Good afternoon everyone. We want to thank those who participated in the contest this week. We know this theme was a little trickier than others, but all of you killed this contest! It was difficult for us to select the winners for this week as all non-wooden projects were crafted very well. We love seeing all the projects shared within our community.

Last Week’s Winners

We are happy to announce that Jack Maree, Kaleb Mannion, Stephen Zumbach, Kootenay Woodcraft, Nicolas Jacques, and Ron Klein are the winners of the “A Project That Isn’t Made From Wood” contest! Look out for a prize coming your way!

This Week’s Theme: A Project That Is Decorative

A short message from our Content Creator, Scott Saari

The theme of the week is “projects that are decorative”! Share with us something that you have created on the LongMill that was used to decorate your space. These projects include any wall art like signs, picture frames, wall carvings, figurines/statues, and other cool decorative items. We will choose our favourite decorative projects and send prizes to the creators!

Happy making!

September 2 – September 9, 2022 “A Project That Isn’t Made From Wood” Contest

Hey everyone. We really appreciate those who participated in the contest this week. It was hard for us to choose the best useful household item projects since they were all so unique. We always look forward to seeing all the projects shared within our community.

Last Week’s Winners

We are excited to announce that John Fischer, Scott Nolen, The Wooden Board, Little Owl Craft Co, Michael Mascaro, and Academx Woodcraft are the winners of the “A Useful Household Item” contest! A prize is on its way to you!

P.S. We will be closed Monday, September 5th for Labour Day and back in the office on Tuesday, September 6th.

This Week’s Theme: A Project That Isn’t Made From Wood

A short message from our Content Creator, Scott Saari

Wood is obviously the most common material LongMill users use for making projects. Well, this week’s theme is “projects that aren’t made from wood”! Show us your projects that don’t use wood as their main material, like acrylic signs, brass brands, aluminum parts, and more, and we’ll choose our favourite ones and send the creators some free swag and bits!

Happy crafting everyone!

August 26 – September 2, 2022 “A Useful Household Item” Contest

Hello everyone. We want to give our thanks to those who participated in the contest this week. We were so impressed with the projects you have sold that it was super difficult for us to choose the winners for this week. We are happy to see all the projects shared within our community.

Last Week’s Winners

We are excited to announce that Frank Stephenson, Knotty Hound, Kari Chapman, Dale Haché, John Hughes, and Kevin Ernst are the winners of the “A Project You Sold” contest! A reward is coming your way!

Here is an important business tip that Kari Chapman shared and could help you all succeed in your business. “Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Putting yourself and your business out there is never easy – you won’t survive if you stay within your protected bubble. You have to pop that and seek out ideas and opportunities to grow as a business owner and to grow your business. Michael Dell once said, “if you’re the smartest person in the room, find another room.” This applies to your comfort zone as well. (*Mandy Edwards *35 Marketing Tips to Get [or Keep] Your Business Going, 2016).”

This Week’s Theme: A Useful Household Item

A short message from our Content Creator, Scott Saari

This week’s theme is “a useful household item”! Show us something you made with your LongMill that you can use around the house, such as catch-all trays, noodle boards, a piece of furniture, or anything else, and we’ll choose our favorites and the creators some awesomely cool stuff. Swipe to the last photo for more information on this week’s contest theme.

Weekly Themed Contest Rules and Guidelines: 

Happy making!

August 19 – 26, 2022 “A Project You Sold” Contest

Hi everyone. We want to give a big thank you to those who participated in the contest for this week. We have seen so many awesome 2.5D and 3D projects that it was hard for us to choose the best ones. We love seeing all the projects shared within our community.

Last Week’s Winners

We are excited to announce that Kari Chapman, Paul Arnold, Merlin Dundas, Nelson Joseph, Kibbles N – Bitz, and Kaleb Mannion are the winners of the “Your Favourite 2.5D or 3D Carving/Relief Project” contest! Look out for a reward coming your way!

This Week’s Theme: A Project You Sold

A short message from our Content Creator, Scott Saari

This week’s theme is “a project you sold”! Post any project someone gave you money for, whether it be a custom sign, gift, or any other item made with the LongMill, and we’ll choose our favorites to send our makers cool stuff. Bonus points if you give us a business tip to share with our community. (When posting/sharing your project with us, please specify in your caption that it was sold).

Weekly Themed Contest Rules and Guidelines: 

Happy making everyone!

August 12 – 19, 2022 “Your Favourite 2.5D or 3D Carving/Relief Project” Contest

Hey everyone, thank you for participating in this week’s contest! It was tough for us to choose the winners since all the projects were amazing. We look forward to seeing all the projects shared with us and the community.

Last Week’s Winners

We are happy to announce that Kootenay Woodcraft, Guitares Perro, Erik Nielsen, Jannik Hahn, and Tom Woodhouse are the winners of the “A Project You Made to Have Fun” contest! Watch out for a prize coming your way!

This Week’s Theme: Your Favourite 2.5D or 3D Carving/Relief Project

This week’s theme is “your favourite 2.5D or 3D carving or relief”! Post your favourite nature relief, multi-sided carving, guitars, flags, or any project that incorporates a 2.5D or 3D technique using the LongMill for a chance to win some free stuff!

Weekly Themed Contest Guidelines and Rules:

Happy making!

August 5 – 12, 2022 “A Project You Made to Have Fun” Contest

We are excited to announce that we are now doing a weekly contest based on a theme! Each theme will be one week long. We will release the next theme at the end of the winners’ post every Friday. We will choose the winners throughout the week and the cut-off time for winners is Friday at 1 pm. Make sure to post your projects before then to ensure that we do not miss them!

The Theme of the Week: A Project You Made to Have Fun

This week’s theme is “a project you made to have fun”! Post your cribbage boards, chessboards, cornhole boards, wooden toys, connect 4, or any toys or games or “fun” related project that you made with your LongMill, and we’ll choose our favorite ones to send cool stuff for free.

Weekly Themed Contest Rules and Guidelines: 

Happy making everyone!