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A new partnership blooms between Sienci Labs and Onshape

No rapid prototyping tool is complete without an awesome software package! We’re happy to let you guys know that we will be working with Onshape to provide you with easy to use and powerful programs that will help you create 3D models and control the Sienci Mill.

Onshape is the first and only full-cloud 3D CAD system that lets everyone on a design team work together using any web browser, phone, or tablet.

Onshape was built from scratch for the way today’s engineers, designers and manufacturers really work, giving them secure and simultaneous access to a single master version of their CAD data without the hassles of software licenses or copying files.

How do we know Onshape is easy to use? We’ve had people with no previous CAM experience create gcode and get milling using our machine in only a few minutes through an addon app called Kiri:Moto.

After trying out the program and loving it, we reached out and got in contact with Joe Dunne and worked on creating a strategic partnership. He is super awesome.

Check out Onshape here:

and Kiri:Moto here:

kirimoto laptop.jpg

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