June 16th 2022 the LaserBeam queue was officially cleared. We will be shipping LaserBeam orders made after June 14th 2022 before the end of this month. We will be focusing on reordering low inventory items, adding spare parts to the shop and updating the software section of the LaserBeam resources.
If Your LaserBeam Just Shipped:
- Please read the safety letter that comes with all LaserBeams
- Please read through the safety manual: https://resources.sienci.com/view/lb-manual/
- Please read through the resource section: https://resources.sienci.com/view/lb-product-description/
- Check to see if you are missing anything from your LaserBeam, if you are send in a ticket with images and we will send it out: https://sienci.com/contact-us/
- If you can’t get your LaserBeam to work, send in a technical ticket, with pictures and I will get back to you personally and we will get you up and running: https://sienci.com/contact-us/
New In depth Laser Videos:
If you ever wanted an in depth video guide for the LaserBeam we have just the 3 part video set for you. Our resident contact guru Scott put together these videos to help you get set up with your LaserBeam
- Unboxing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT0T25j3XDQ
- Assembly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNUhwSkhGSk
- Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5tjbXcyzaI
We’ve also included them in the LaserBeam Resources
- https://resources.sienci.com/view/lb-unboxing/
- https://resources.sienci.com/view/lb-assembly-video-guide/
- https://resources.sienci.com/view/lb-user-tutorial-video-guide/
Moving Forward:
- We are working on getting our supply chain into shape
- Ordered another 400 Drivers from Makerfabs, we should resume shipping LaserBeams before the end of the month
- We are doing inventory checks so we can place orders immediately for any low stock parts
- We will be posting spare parts and add-ons to the shop: 48×30 Longer Cables, Lens pack, Focus Finders, Air Assist etc.
- Lightburn is currently available for purchase directly from us: https://sienci.com/product/lightburn/
LaserBeam Changes:
- We will now start shipping LaserBeams with new longer, nylon covered cables. These have been added to any current 48×30 customers who ordered the LaserBeam.
- The added length gives 48×30 extension customers the needed added length and provides all other Longmill sizes extra length. We will be adding these to the store for anyone to purchase soon
- We will now start shipping updated Laser Mounts which are smaller, lighter and easier to mount

As we wait for the new Driver order, current LaserBeam orders will have a lead time of 2-4 weeks and we will push to lower this. Thank you all for being so patient and supporting the product as well as the company!