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December 16 – December 23, 2022 ” A Project That is Winter/Christmas Themed” Contest Part 2

Happy Friday, folks! We appreciate everyone who took part in this week’s contest with a winter or Christmas theme. We found it tough to pick our favourites because every piece with a winter or festive theme was beautifully created and made with great attention to detail. Observing all your cheery creations has gotten us in the holiday mood! We always look forward to seeing all the creative creations shared within our community of creators.

Last Week’s Winners

We are happy to announce that Bill Culbert, John Allen, Mikki James, Joe Cook, Anecia Green Thomas, and Katie Ohning are the winners of the “A Project That is Winter/Christmas-Themed” contest! A prize is on its way to you!

This Week’s Theme: A Project That is Winter/Christmas Themed

Happy festive season everyone! Celebrate the rest of the season with us by posting your best Winter/Christmas-themed projects made on your LongMill to get us in the jolly spirit. We will pick our favourite festive season projects and send cool stuff to the makers. Happy holidays to all of you!

Happy creating!