So many photo art projects! Thank you to the makers who participated in this week’s contest, where we asked you all to post your photo art carvings made on your LongMill.
Last Week’s Winners

We are happy to announce that Vince Iannotta, Homestead Acres, John Hitcher, Lance Wilkins, Mark Eisenlohr, and Nelson Joseph are the winners of the “A Project That is Photo Art” contest! Watch out for a prize!
This Week’s Theme: Your Most Difficult Project

For this week’s contest, we want you to post what you think was the most difficult project that you made on your LongMill. Share them with us for a chance to be one of the winners of this week’s contest and win free prizes! Bonus points if you tell us why it was the most complicated one for you.
Have ideas for themes? Let us know by commenting down below!
Happy making!