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Our intern BET students leaves Sienci Labs

During the past 5 weeks, Sienci Labs took on two first year students as part of the BETS (Bridging Entrepreneurs to Students) program. One of our students, Ria, wrote about her 5 week experience:


Working at Sienci Labs for the past 5 weeks has been such an adventure. As a co-op student, I got to take on a variety of tasks for which I had the minimal skill set required and develop these skills while working in a great start-up environment, designing a product that will essentially make our customers’ lives easier; a win-win situation!

One of the most rewarding things about working at Sienci Labs was I found myself working with a team that is passionate and enthusiastic about the work they do. Being part of the entrepreneurial team taught me various ways to innovate. Andy would constantly be identifying a problem with the prototype and would need to find a new efficient way to solve it and this process taught me how to be an ingenious engineer. I was in charge of a lot of the testing for the software that would be used to make our users’ experience easier, despite of their technical backgrounds so it was nice to have a job where I knew my work would directly affect the user experience.

The effort he put into creating a sustainable machine was evident and the product’s transformation over the past 5 weeks has been phenomenal. Can’t wait to see where the team takes the company in the future!

sienci kwartzlab demo group

(Ria is the girl in the middle)

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