Hey everyone, if you haven’t noticed, we’ve been uploading a lot of files online for everyone who’s interested in building or modifying a Sienci Mill One. There are a lot of things to document, and we have a little more wading around to do in our files to make sure everything is up to date. Github is kind of tricky to figure out (according to Chris)
Why did we make our files available freely online? We believe that users should be able to modify their machines to the way that works for them, and for designers and inventors to build off of our designs and create even better CNC machines. That’s why we have done our best to optimize the design to be easy to manufacture, and the parts easy to find online or at the hardware store.
Here’s some links to where you can find files. Please use them at your own risk!
Github: https://github.com/SienciLabs/Sienci-Mill-One
Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/SienciLabs/designs
There are still a lot of things we need to put up online and a couple of design revisions since we have made these files available. Feel free to let us know if we’re missing anything, or need additional info.
More resources can be found here: https://sienci.com/resources/