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2020 Toronto Woodworking Show – A Recap

What an insane weekend at this year’s Toronto Woodworking Show! Thank you to everyone who came out to chat and visit the booth!

It was exciting to come back to the show this year, as it has been exactly one year since we first publicly debuted the LongMill at the 2019 Toronto Woodworking Show. We came back, upping our production value and with more goodies to show and give away.

Here are some of the highlights and recap of the show.

We have the best customers in the world

I have to say, we have hands down the best, most supportive customers in the world.

Samples at our booth
Tom Woodhouse one of our early LongMill customers came by with a giant S shaped balloon to help people find us

A special thank you to Tom who came by to give us his wooden bottlecap that you can use to help you decide if you want to buy a LongMill! Full disclosure, it says “yes” on both sides.

Another special thank you to Jan who came by to hang out with us and stayed at our booth for three hours to talk to folks as well. We never paid him or asked him to do this for us, but I guess it speaks to how much he loves his LongMill.

Randy Rosewell with his LongMill

Another special thank you to Deb from Rosewell Woodworking who dropped off one of their beautiful salt and pepper grinder sets. Deb told us that initially, they had been selling salt and pepper grinders individually, and they were able to boost their sales by combining them into sets. Make sure to check them out ( ) and all the best success to their business!

And finally, a special thank you to Jeff from River Run Custom Wood Design gave us two of his pieces to show off at the show. He gave us his business cards to share with folks that want to buy pieces from him (I guess if you don’t want to get your own machine to make your own).

And of course, a special thank you to all of our other customers who came by the booth to share their experiences with us and fellow woodworkers!

Some cool stuff we made

Dragon and horse reliefs around 25 3hr of cutting each
DD Meats founder with his new sign that we traded for his wares

Plus v-carvings, signs, coasters, and other projects that we forgot to take photos of.


We did two seminars at the show. One was on V-carving and the other one was on choosing different end mills, hosted by Greg and me.

I believe Ikenna took some video and photos of the seminars, so we’ll make sure to post them soon!

For the presentation slides and files:

Final thoughts

The 2020 Toronto Woodworking Show was such a blast. Not only was it a great show, but it marks a culmination of one year of hard work since the last show. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come, and it makes us incredibly happy to talk to so many of our satisfied LongMill users. I appreciate that our customers have gone above and beyond to show their support, and we hope to continue to provide the best machines, support, and opportunities for our users.

Until next time – Andy