We have started shipping orders! Customers should be expecting emails and tracking info from us soon. Please be patient as we get through our backlog.
Orders from Dec and January should be shipping this week and next week, and orders from February and March should ship by the following week.
We will be shipping all orders for LongMills, all order numbers will be fulfilled.

We will be getting in touch for customers who have opted for local pickups.
If you are unable to arrange for a pick-up due to the coronavirus, please contact us for other arrangements.
Control box replacements
There are three or four customers that are waiting on replacement control boards. These will ship out in the next few days.
Assembly for LongMill V2
There are some small variations between LongMill V1 and V2 that have been documented in the assembly manual on our online resources. Most changes are very minor and both processes for assembly on the V1 and V2 are the same. However, if you require clarification or are stuck on assembly, please contact us and we will update the assembly manual.