Hi everyone. it’s Andy here to provide a new update for LongMill production. As mentioned in the last update, we’ve seen continual growth in LongMill sales which has been a lot faster than we expected. I want to take a moment to thank all of our customers who’ve been sharing their positive experiences with the community and helping us grow.
We expected to run out of machines at the end of July, which was our estimate back April based on what we expected our sales to be at during that time. However, it appears we will be running out of stock on Batch 2 in the next few days.
Lead times
We are nearly out of stock on the current batch of LongMills, with around 30-40 machines left. Ikenna, our operations manager, has told me that he expects that we will likely run out of machines by Thursday (correction, we have now run out of stock a few hours after the time of writing, another 20-30 machines will be available in the first or second week of July).
That means for the rest of the machines in stock, you can expect a lead time of around 1 week, and the following orders will have a lead time of around 3 weeks.
We expect to have around 500 more LongMills in stock by the end of July. We will ship machines based on the order of which they were ordered, and we will ship machines as they become available. We will provide a more detailed update on the availability and shipping times over the next few weeks.
If you want to order a LongMill and want it as soon as possible, I recommend ordering one as soon as possible so that you will be first in line for a machine once we run out of stock or you can get one of the ones that are still remaining.
For parts and end mills, we currently have plenty of stock, so you should expect these items to ship typically within one business day.
Shipping times
Also as mentioned in our last update, due to COVID-19, shipping times may be a little slower than usual. For the most part, we have seen that shipping times are a little faster than it was a month or two ago, but I would still expect that shipping for some customers may be a little bit slower than normal.
For most customers, I would recommend that you expect to have shipping times take 3-5 extra days.
If you prefer to pick up your items, we are still offering pick ups on our dock but we are not allowing visitors inside at the time.