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October 13 – October 20, 2023 “A Project That is Halloween-Themed Part 1” Contest

Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Thanks to the individuals who participated in this week’s contest, where we asked you all to post your nature-themed projects made on the LongMill.

Last Week’s Winners

We are happy to announce that Shane Jiang, Brad Jaycock, Glenn Thomas, Jared Husband, Johnny Sykes, and Ritchie Bedard are the winners of the “A Project That is Nature-Themed” contest! A prize is on its way! 

This Week’s Theme: A Project That is Halloween-Themed

Happy spooky season everyone! Celebrate the rest of the month with us by sharing your Halloween-themed projects made on your LongMill. We will select our favourite spooky projects and send some scary (not really) prizes to the makers!

Have ideas for themes? Let us know by commenting down below!

Happy building!