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May 2022 Production Updates

Hey everyone, here’s our May 2022 production update.

Overall production continues to move along smoothly and machines are going out the door at a good pace. In a good way, we don’t have too much to report on.

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Lead times for LongMill MK2 12×30 and 30×30 orders

We’re excited to be getting through the rest of the queue on the LongMill MK2 12×30 and 30×30 orders sooner than expected. Patrik and the rest of the packing crew have now pushed out over 400 machines over the last four weeks, and are expecting to complete the rest of the queue sometime next week. This means that new orders should ship in 2-3 weeks placed today.

Incoming materials and production

Production has been moving along slowly without part shortages. Once the queue is complete, we are expecting to have enough parts to pre-pack and ship another 70 machines with the gantries and steel parts that we currently have. Another batch of these parts is expected to arrive in about 2 weeks, so we believe that we’ll be able to continue packing and shipping as orders come. After these parts arrive, we’ll have plenty of material to keep us busy for the next 2-3 months.

It’s been a while since this has happened, but we’re now at the point where our production capacity is exceeding our demand, and our goal is to get things packed up and ready to go as more folks get their machines and word on the LongMill MK2 continues to spread.

Some other general news

  • Our company is growing. We have a couple of new people joining our team in marketing, operations, and engineering! We’re also working on hiring new folks for software development and customer support.
  • The LongMill MK2 assembly video is being edited now and we are expecting it to go live in the next week or two.
  • Check out Dana’s latest video where he shows off his new MK2 and extended 48×30 MK1 machines!