Hey everyone. Here’s our update for July 2022. Production continues to move along as scheduled and we are getting machines out the door as usual.
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LongMill 12×30 and 30×30 Kits
Any 12×30 and 30×30 orders have been shipping out as they come in and lead times on orders is 1-3 business days. Kits are in stock and ready to go.

LongMill 48×30 and Extension Kits
Starting last week, we have started shipping out LongMill 48×30 and the Extension Kits. At the current time of writing, we should have around 20-30 people who have received their orders or have gotten their machines shipped. If you have a pending order, you should have gotten an email from me that looks like this:
Hey there,
If you are getting this email, we’re either prepping your LongMill 48×30 or Extension Kits to ship or we’ve already shipped your order out. At the time of writing, we have 20 out the door already and another 140ish kits pending. We’re excited to start seeing LongMill 48x30s in the wild! Here’s some important info about your order.
LongMill 48×30 machines will ship in two separate boxes
If you ordered a complete 48×30 machine, your order will come in two separate boxes. In most cases, they will have one master tracking number and two child tracking numbers for each box. In some cases, we’ve had to make two separate tracking numbers for them depending on the shipping configuration.
If you ordered any type of Extension Kit, they will come in one single box.
Timing of shipping of orders
There are a couple of new things that we’re tackling with this shipment which may affect the time you receive your orders slightly. If you’d like to check on when we’re estimating to get your order, please check our list here: https://sienci.com/order-status/
Thankfully we have all of the parts ready to ship, but there are some operational things we’re wrapping up to ensure every package has the proper documentation and paperwork done for shipping which will take some time.
Here are a couple of general notes:
– US customers who are on military bases may take longer for us to process, as there are some technical issues with Canada Post (USPS) because some of their back-end shipping systems are not working at this time. We are working to resolve this or find alternative shipping options.
– We’re finalizing some of the packing and documentation for the extension kits. We just finished doing the final packing for the MK1 to MK2 Extension Kits with the MK2 XZ Gantry and should have the MK1 to MK2 Extension Kits with the Adapting Brackets ready in the next day or two. Our team is also finalizing the documentation which will be posted on our resources soon as well, but we will start shipping the Extension Kits tomorrow as they get packed so that they’ll be arriving in the customer’s hands by the time they are uploaded.
If you have any questions or need any other help, please feel free to reach out to us (https://sienci.com/contact-us/).
If you’re looking for a dimensioned drawing for the footprint of the machine, please feel free to download it here: https://sienci.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/LongMill-MK2-48×30-30×30-and-12×30-dimensions.pdf
Happy making,
New orders for 48×30 and Extension Kits will ship out in order, so we are expecting new orders to ship in about 4 weeks.
LaserBeam orders
We are waiting on another batch of LaserBeam drivers to arrive to us and should be here in about three weeks. LaserBeam orders will continue to ship when we receive the new batch.
In the meantime, please check out Scott’s latest videos on setting up the laser!
US Duties and Taxes
As a short follow-up to our last update on US Duties and Taxes. I put out a post on the Facebook group and it looks like with the exception of one customer who reached out, we’ve been able to get the LongMills cleared for everyone. We had about 15 orders get charged taxes which we’ve paid on the behalf of the customer before we sent all of the proper USMCA clearance paperwork, but we have confirmation that they have received the paperwork now so any new orders crossing into the US should get cleared properly now.
We’ve also set up an exemption on the 48×30 Extension Kits, so these orders should clear duty-free as well.
First Nations Tax Exemptions
If you are a Canadian First Nations, you may be eligible for a tax refund on completed orders. We have updated our system to process these exemptions. For more info, please visit this page.