So many wonderful projects! Thank you to those who participated in this week’s contest, where we asked creators to post their spring-themed projects.
Last Week’s Winners

We are happy to announce that Eric Meertens, James Stevens, Adam M Lehman, Brandon WhitneyShadd, Kirk Sturgulewski, and Misty N Darryl Drebenstedt are the winners of the “A Project That is Spring-Themed Part 2” contest! Watch out for a prize!
P.S. We will be closed Monday, May 22nd for Victoria Day and back in the office on Tuesday, May 23rd.
This Week’s Theme: A Project That is a Sign

This week’s theme is “projects that are signs”. Post your most creative sign projects that were made using your LongMill and share them with us for a chance to be one of the winners of this week’s contest and win free prizes!
Happy creating!