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November 2024 Production Updates

Hey everyone, here are the Nov 2024 Production Updates!


We shipped more AltMills out last month. We’ve ramped up production and you should find if you already ordered a machine that lead times may have gone down. We’ve worked on streamlining production, bringing on some more staff, training current staff with new skills in management and operations, and setting new production goals to move things along. We are aiming to finish both Batch 1 and 2, a total of 400 AltMills to be shipped and delivered by the end of Dec 2024. At this time, we currently have around 50 more machines left in Batch 2, so if you want to be part of this group, make sure to order soon!

We’ve now ramped up production for AltMills, and this past month we’ve shipped out around 70-80 units. We’re now waiting on some additional parts expected to arrive Nov 4th, and we will be aiming to keep increasing production more to clear the rest of the queue.

Some parts for Batch 2 have arrived, which means we are starting to build our next 200 AltMills. We expect the rest of the parts to arrive in November. We are currently ordering and building stock for Batch 3, which will be another 250 AltMills. Many of the parts have already been ordered for Batch 3, and we expect most of those items to arrive in Jan 2025.

We did run into a hiccup with our VFDs because this chip was changed, causing communication issues. Since then we’ve received a new batch of VFDs plus are expecting to receive new boards to replace these VFDs. This means we will have around 400 full VFDs in stock once our fix is complete.

This did slow our production a bit at the beginning, but we have been shipping machines without the VFDs first so that customers can get their machines ready prior to the spindles arriving.

Additionally, we’ve received a few messages from users about the spindles being wired incorrectly. We’ve implemented an additional QA step to check the full functionality and wiring of the spindle and VFD. Additionally, we’ve received some notes from users who have changed their VFD settings inadvertently, and so we are implementing a VFD setting lock to prevent users from changing settings without the proper precautions.

Testing setup one of 3 stations

The good news is that the cables and spindle motors were here first, which means that they can be tested and packed first, so that we have some things we can work on in the meantime.

New batch of expressed shipped VFDs to make up for the bad ones

Additional to this, we’re making updates to the firmware to improve the communication and reliability between the board and the VFD. Although we expect the old chip to be more stable, updates to the firmware is expected to decrease compatibility issues for third party spindles.

As we mentioned in a prior update, we’ve been working on figuring out some improvements to make to make sure rails are straight and at the correct tolerance before assembly. Unfortunately, our current extruder continues to have some issues with having a good yield on these parts. As a way to mitigate issues and try something new, we’ve moved production to a new manufacturer for extrusions. This means we have around 200 sets arriving this month, and another 200ish sets being produced at this moment. The best case scenario is that the 200 rails we get in the next few weeks are flawless, but if there are a lot of issues, the new batch of rails should arrive a month or so later.

We’re currently working with two additional extrusion companies to build future batches of rails. These will be for Batch 3. We are also starting to work on production details for the 2×4 AltMills as well during this period.

Additionally, we’re working on vetting a few new CNC machine shops, as the shop we currently work with has been struggling with keeping up with the volume of parts we need, causing delays in their production shop. We are working on splitting up production of parts between different shops so that we can mitigate these types of issues.

In other, other news, our engineering team have started dabbling with the ATC spindle that we have in the shop. We don’t have any expected days we will have something available, but we are testing some different systems to make sure that third party support can be more streamlined, or we can understand and identify needs of the user for an ATC system.

ATC spindle


LongMills ship out on schedule, within a few days.

LongMill Spindle Kits, which use same components as the AltMill Spindle Kits, have also been delayed in shipping due to the same issue. We have started shipping some of the LongMill Spindle Kits, and we are expecting to have the rest of the queue completed at the end of the month.

gControl Panel Computer

The gControl Panel Computer has now launched! You can learn more about it here.

The first 40-50 units, we are aiming to ship out before the end of the month. We have now sold over 100 computers, and we are working on ordering an additional batch to cover new sales. These computers are expected to ship in December/January.

The brackets have for mounting the stand to the LongMill and AltMill, we have received the license codes for Windows 11 IOT, and we are expecting computers to arrive on Nov 1st. We have been working on filming and making the resources in anticipation of the new panel computers.

I also had a chance to test the computer with Centroid using the Ethernet cable. This opens up a wider set of options for people to use their panel computer on other CNC machines. From our testing, it worked flawlessly. Thank you John for letting us give it a whirl.

Testing Centroid


The Vortex Rotary Axis continues to ship as usual. We’re excited to announce that our close-loop versions of the kit have started shipping.

You can now find additional resources on installation on our Resources Page.


We’re excited to share the Magnetic LaserBeam Mount, compatible with standard LongMill and AltMill mounting! This has been designed to make it faster and easier to mount and unmount the laser, rather than using the screws.

Magnetic mount for LaserBeam
Inside look

Shipping and production are proceeding as normal, we currently have 27 LaserBeams packed and prepared for shipment within 1-3 days. New Driver Boards have been ordered, as well as more LaserBeam Mounts. Both will arrive well before we run out of our current stock.

We will be adding two of our LaserBeam accessories for purchase in our shop.

First is the steel LaserBeam Mount. We’ve found some of our customers enjoy using this mount for their own projects, setups and designs. Although it was designed specifically for our LaserBeam, it’s a versatile and robust piece of material.

Second is the Replacement Focus Finder Set. Every LaserBeam order is shipped with a full set but we understand that the parts are small and easy to misplace, so we created a solution.

As well as making these accessories available for purchase, we have added a new resources page to our website where you can find the design files for each accessory. Feel free to experiment and try making your own at home.

PWM Controllable Router

Sine we can’t call our thing the “Sprouter” anymore, I’ll just use PWM Controllable Router for now (or just “router” here for brevity). Here’s a short demo of the speed control being used to play music while cutting at the same time! (turn on your audio).

We brought down the newest version of the prototype router down to Austin TX for the Vectric UGM, where we did some basic demos switching between different speeds. We’re excited to share that we’re able to successfully control the router using a PWM signal!

Since we want to be able to make sure the router works with other popular hobby CNC machines, we’re looking for some volunteers who have machines other than an AltMill or LongMill, who’d be ok with us plugging it into their controllers. If you’d like to offer your help, please reach out!

Thank you everyone who’s been suggesting names for the router. We’re likely going to have a more official contest to help with the naming of the product, so keep an eye out for that!