Completed Milestone
Over the past few weeks we have finalized our design for the driver case, air assist and laser shield. We have placed an order with a local PCB manufacturer, and they are on track to complete our laser driver PCB December 17th. Our focus now is to have all parts packed and assembled so that when the driver PCBs arrive, it will be the only part of the laser to assemble, pack and we can begin shipping.
The specific milestones below have been completed since the last update:
- Ordered our driver PCB Assemblies in bulk
- Finalized our design for the driver case, air assist and laser shield and begun production on these parts
- Completed FDA submission documents
The roadmap for the rest of the month is as follows:
- Receive completed driver PCBs [Dec 17th]
- Test drivers [Dec 18th-19th]
- Begin driver assembly and shipping [Dec 20th-23rd], shipping out our first 300 LaserBeam pre-orders
Next Tasks
- Our FDA submission documents are being reviewed and will be sent out December 13th
- Get final packaging foam prototyped and cut
- Continue 3D printing and laser cutting parts
- We have assembled 300 laser diode assemblies (which includes the heatsinks and laser diode, not the driver)
- We have received our steel laser mounts and will assemble to the laser diode assembly with compliant safety and product stickers
- Assemble the PWM signal cable, the last cables to be assembled
- Pack and label AC cables and power supplies

Remaining Milestones
- FDA Report Reviewed and Submitted [Dec 13th]
- Assemble driver PCB enclosure [Dec 17th]
- Test each LaserBeam system [Dec 18th-19th]
- Pack LaserBeams [Dec 20th-23rd]
- Ship LaserBeams [Dec 20th-23rd]

Ordering Additional Safety Glasses & Lenses:
Check out the link above if you need to order additional LaserBeam accessories that you didn’t order in your original LaserBeam preorder. You won’t be charged any additional shipping and your order will be combined with your LaserBeam Pre order!
Sienci LaserBeam Pre Order:
Place your Sienci LaserBeam Pre order here:
Answering your FAQ:
Send your Laser Questions Here:
Check out our LaserBeam FAQ video, I take all your unanswered questions from the LaserBeam livestream and try to give you guys more clarity on the LaserBeam add on.
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