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September 2022 Production Updates

Hey there, here’s our September 2022 production update.

For all news and updates, please see our Blog.

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Please note that we will be closed on Monday Sept 5, 2022 for Labour Day. We’ll be back in the office on Tuesday Sept 6, 2022.

Michael our QA engineer going through our latest batch of gantries

LongMill MK2 and Extension Kit Orders

Production continues to move fairly smoothly for all LongMill and Extension Kit orders. We have now cleared the pending queue for 48×30 and Extension kits and now lead times for all machine sizes will be more or less the same. We are expecting lead times to be around 1-2 weeks for most orders for this month.

This past month we did pause production shortly due to us running out of rail extrusions to make 48in X-axis rails, however, we have received another batch of rails that should cover for another 400-500 machines. Because we were working with our extrusion manufacturer to work out some kinks in the consistency of the rails, which placed the order on hold rather than going to press. Thankfully they were able to move the extrusions to the weekend schedule and have them made with only a few days of added delay.

X and Z gantries we also ran out as well have also been restocked. The next thing we’re expecting to run out of are the front and back steel feet for LongMill MK2 machines which we currently have 70 units worth left, however, those should be restocked back around the end of next week.

LaserBeam Orders

We are now stocked on enough LaserBeam units to last till the end of the year. Most are shipping out within a few days.

Batch 7 Production

We are now at the final third of Batch 6 Production. This means that we’re at our last 500ish machines, and we’ll be getting to the end of the batch sometime likely in December. Depending on the status of our shipments, our lead times may change around this time.

Batch 7 production has been underway for the last few months and we’ve been getting parts in to prepare. There won’t be any major changes but we’ve made some small tweaks to production overall including:

  • Small tweaks to the design of the 5mm to 8mm coupler to help customers identify which side goes on which side
  • Fully custom-produced v-wheels to improve quality control and consistency of the wheels

Some additional changes to our production reflected in Batch 6 and 7 include:

  • New tools to check the consistency of all of our rails
  • Additional checks to ensure the flatness of all gantry plates and other steel parts
  • Individual motor tuning on all control boards

When we started Batch 6 in 2021 and early 2022, we were at the height of the pandemic and supply chain constraints. Recently, we’ve seen lower lead times, shortages, and transport times than before, so we are hopeful that this new batch of machines will have a smoother production process than before.

Price increases from UPS

UPS has recently informed us that they will be charging an “Additional Handling Fee” on shipments weighing over 50lbs. Previously this limit was set to 70lbs. This means that some shipments on new orders may see roughly a $10 increase on LongMill shipping prices on new orders placed Sept 6. We are working with UPS to negotiate and reduce the impact of this charge.