What software comes with the LongMill? What software can I use?

The LongMill is compatible with many different softwares, some of which you may be familiar with already. Most design programs that can export vectors (DXF, SVG) or 3D models (STL, STEP, IGES) can be used with common CAM programs. We offer a list of free software options that are fully compatible with the LongMill https://sienci.com/longmill-category/software/ from extremely basic and easy to use, to advanced, industrial level software. You don’t need to spend a dime on software if you don’t want to.

Since the LongMill uses GRBL firmware, a commonly used firmware on many hobby CNCs, most CAM programs provide a GRBL post processor. You can contact your software provider to check for support, or check our Software Table for compatibility.

If you are not sure what programs to start with, please try our Toolchain Wizard to get recommendations for programs to use.