Why do I need to provide my SSN, TIN, or EIN for US Customs?

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Due to the size and nature of the goods we ship to the US from Canada, we or the courier may reach out to you to get your SSN, TIN, or EIN for customs clearing purposes.

This only applies to shipments going into the USA.

While the majority of shipments will not run into this clearance issue, and in some cases can be random, there are several factors that can influence whether additional details may be needed for clearing your shipment into the US.

  • Your order value is above $2500USD. This is a threshold that can trigger extra requirements for clearance. This doesn’t seem to be a hard set number, as some orders under this value may still need extra information.
  • This is your first time importing a big shipment into the US.

For more info, please visit https://sienci.com/2023/02/21/us-customs-hold-ups-in-detroit/

What you should expect

If we need to get more information about your shipment. You may receive a call from UPS, a call from us, or an email message. You should be able to identify your shipment using the tracking number that was provided to you when your order shipped. It is best for this process to be completed within 2 days, otherwise, there can be some delays with delivery.

Alternatively, you can contact us directly for assistance or contact UPS at day@UPS.com (please cc orders@sienci.com) or calling the UPS national warehouse at 313-967-0457 and providing them with tracking number as well as your SSN# or Tax ID #.

If you do not feel comfortable with providing your SSN and do not have a Tax ID number you can get a free tax ID number at: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/apply-for-an-employer-identification-number-ein-online